05 Aug 2019

First Polar Bear Spotted on Day 1

Our final 'Wrangel Island:Across the Top of the World' voyage of the season is off to a cracking start with a Polar Bear and pod of Beluga Whales feeding on salmon spotted on Day 1. After our travels we all arrived to Anadyr and in a journey made our way from the Airport to Kapitan Klebnikov which was waiting for us at the anchorage. During our departure from the Anadyr River we were excited to see numerous Largha Seals and a pod of Beluga Whales feeding on salmon, but the biggest surprise was a Polar Bear swimming in the river just a couple of miles from town and the airport.

04 Aug 2019

As Kapitan Khlebnikov steams towards Anadyr and our second Wrangel Island expedition of the season comes to an end, Expedition Leader Nathan Russ l…READ MORE
31 Jul 2019

It's been an exceptional 3 days circumnavigating Wrangel Island in Kapitan Khlebnikov and cruising Herald Island experiencing some unforgettable wil…READ MORE
26 Jul 2019

It all started with a wake up call at 0600hrs as the Captain dropped the anchor off Kolyuchin Island and we boarded the Zodaics for a morning cruise…READ MORE
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