31 Jul 2019

52 Polar Bears on Wrangel Island

Wrangel Island: Across the Top of the World

It's been an exceptional 3 days circumnavigating Wrangel Island in Kapitan Khlebnikov and cruising Herald Island experiencing some unforgettable wildlife encounters under the Russian Far Eastern sunshine.

Guests enjoyed the company of 52 Polar Bears including an up close encounter with a female and her cub who approached the ship, a herd of Musk Oxen just 200 metres away, Walrus and more.

The perfect weather also made it possible to make seven landings including Cape Blossom, Cape Thomas, Ptichiy Bazar, Dream Head, Draghi Bay and a visit to the rangers' station.

With excitement levels returning to normal and much to process on board, including hundreds of photos, we are making our way south to Chukotka.

Wrangel Island: Across the Top of the World

Images (c) A.Breniere, M.Carwardine & S.Blanc, Heritage Expeditions


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