31 Aug 2017

SOE: Crossing the Bering Strait

As we approached Vankarem after breakfast, it was clear that our chances of making a landing were borderline at best. Once the ship was anchored and the height of the swell sweeping through could accurately be measured, our expedition leader announced that he would put a scout boat in the water (as we also had to disembark Danila, our last walrus researcher) and check conditions at sea level.When the boat returned, the landing was cancelled.

Instead, we continued down the coast toward Bering Strait, hoping the Kolyuchin Inlet would offer some protection from the swell. While we sailed, Wrangel Island researcher Vasily Baranyuk gave a fascinating talk on the island’s ecosystem and his studies of snow geese. To illustrate his talk, he had amazing footage not just of snow geese on nests, but amazing shots of snowy owls, common eiders and arctic fox. It was encouraging to hear about the increase in snow geese numbers and to see everyones’ interest in what Vasily had to say.

By the time we reached Kolyuchin Inlet, the swell had increased, making a landing at Belyake Spit impossible, so we continued on. Liya gave a great talk on Arctic fox, people gathered in the bar to chat, while others caught up on sleep after our full days on Wrangel Island. Tonight we will pass through Bering Strait in hopes of finding better weather and more protected waterways to the south.

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Herald Island lies some 35 nautical miles to the east of Wrangel Island. It’s believed to have the highest density of polar bear dens per square kilo…READ MORE
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