20 Nov 2019

Macquarie Island Life

Royal Penguins, Sandy Beach, Macquarie Island, D.Stavert

Yesterday we woke to an Orca passing our anchorage in front of the Macquarie Island (or 'Macca' as it's known by the rangers living here) Station - the first of 5 encounters with the same Killer Whale during our day-and-a-half at this remote, windswept island.

Our Macca adventure started with a guided tour by the rangers, who have been living here since March, during which Gentoo Penguins, Macquarie Island Shags and friendly Southern Elephant Seals were all quickly sighted as well as a lone Chinstrap Penguin. Following a morning tea of scones enjoyed over fascinating stories of life on the island, we ventured back out on the island to explore its beaches and trails. Numerous wildlife encounters later we heading back to Spirit of Enderby for lunch.

After lunch Sandy Bay was on the cards. As Royal Penguins wandered in and out of the surf and Elephant Seals made new friends between naps all under the watchful gaze of King Penguins, we were reminded of what a special place this is during our more than 4 hours ashore. The Royal Penguins, for most, were the highlight as Macquarie Island is the world's only breeding site for these birds.

The next morning we managed to squeeze in a Zodiac cruise along Lusitania Bay where hundreds of thousands of King penguins lined the shore, and even sighted a Leopard Seal cruising the beach front before the weather turned and we headed back to the ship (and Sauna).

As a farewell gift, two Blue Petrel were spotted as we made our way to Campbell Island putting smiles on every birder aboard.

Image © D.Stavert, Heritage Expeditions

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