20 Aug 2017

SOE: Our Last Day Sailing Anadyr Bay

We woke to a perfect morning as we sailed across Anadyr Bay. Glorious sunshine, warm temperatures and almost no wind. Most of us were drawn to the outer decks to sunbake, search for more whales and enjoy the seabirds that flew close to watch our progress.

Inside we enjoyed a film in the lecture room, sharing photos with fellow expeditioners, our disembarkation briefing and a wonderful slide show presenting the trip through the lenses of staff and put together by Grisha.

It was amazing to see just how many experiences we’ve had over the past two weeks.  In the evening the Globe Bar was the place to be, as we enjoyed an impromptu concert of singing and guitar playing by Boris. Just after midnight, the pilot came on board and thus be began our final approach to Anadyr.

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18 Aug 2017

After our visit to Cape Chelyuskin we set off with the intention of exploring Severnaya Zemlya (Northern Land). This archipelago was a the last bit o…READ MORE
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