27 Jul 2015

Off Overland

Time flies (especially when you are having fun as we are). Since our arrival at Wrangel Island we have spent time in and around the old settlement of Doubtful Bay where the reindeer herding enterprise was based during the Soviet period. There we dropped off five passengers for our northbound Overland Traverse excursion and sailed into heavy pack ice towards the western end of the island. Normally we would do our best to avoid ice like this but we were on a mission to see Polar Bears.

Polar Bear

We saw several in the distance and also good numbers of female walrus with young on the ice. (The walrus we had seen hauled-out at Kolyuchin Island were all males.) The weather and sea conditions are good as we steam towards the eastern end of Wrangel and seldom visited Herald Island.

25 Jul 2015

It is Saturday afternoon and we have just arrived at Wrangel Island. The ship is currently drifting offshore amongst the ice floes while we await ins…READ MORE
24 Jul 2015

Today was one of those expedition days when all the stars aligned and the gods smiled, blessing our endeavours. The fog rolled off the hills and the …READ MORE
22 Jul 2015

We spent yesterday afternoon at Preobrazheniya Bay on a ‘shakedown’ Zodiac cruise and made the first landing. The swell didn’t allow us to get as clo…READ MORE
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