15 Jun 2013

Wings over Yamskiye

After a memorable morning ashore exploring the tundra, we cruised the icy coastline in mirror calm conditions, admiring more Ribbon Seals on the ice floes and the mountains beyond. We cleared the ice and made a run for the Yamskyie Island group.


After an early dinner we took to the Zodiacs and were rewarded with the breathtaking sight of hundreds of thousands of Auklets and other seabirds returning to the islands, silhouetted against the setting sun.

13 Jun 2013

Hotel Manager Meghan's voice roused the group at 0430hrs encouraging them to prepare for something amazing. All were aboard the Zodiacs and heading f…READ MORE
11 Jun 2013

Feodota Bay Dropped anchor around 6am and a sent out a scout boat to see what wildlife was around before landing our passengers. There were three Bro…READ MORE
10 Jun 2013

Another amazing day of blue skies and sunshine, this time in the region of Mal'minskiy. After a Zodiac cruise and a great landing for a closer view o…READ MORE
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