14 Aug 2016

Dozens of Whales in Senyavina Strait

We are currently sailing across Anadyr Bay towards the port of Anadyr in warm, sunny and calm conditions.  It has been an incredibly successful expedition with the highlights and experiences confirming why this is an award-winning itnerary and a trip-of-a-lifetime.

Yesterday we came to anchor Senyavina Strait region with near perfect conditions.  Immediately after breakfast we launched all zodiacs and took everybody out whale watching.  It was estimated that during the 3½ hours we out we saw 60+ Gray, 6 Humpback and 3 Minke whales.  Nearby where we were whale watching the local Eskimo people had set out hunting a Gray whale.  They have been hunting whales in this region for generations and it is an important/vital part of their diet and the community is allocated a small number of whales which they are allowed to hunt each season for domestic use.  The hunt was successful and we were invited to watch them as the whale was cut up and the shared amongst the villagers.  While not everybody chose to go and see this, for those of us who went it was sad to see such a magnificent animal hauled up on the beach however at the same time we saw the powerful connection between the indigenous people and nature. The process was carried out very respectfully, every part of the animal was used and the community leaders ensured that everybody had their share.

The day ended with one last tundra walk /mountain climb on nearby Yttgran Island. This is the final blog of this “Across the top of the World” expedition to Wrangel Island.  We are at sea today and due to arrive in Anadyr tomorrow where this expedition will finish and we will say a fond farewell to expeditoners.   

©Heritage Expeditions 1629

Photo: Heritage Expeditions


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