16 Jun 2013

Cape Sredniy Bear

We dropped anchor in the early morning off Cape Sredniy and went out in the Zodiacs to explore in the sunshine. After cruising some way up a small river we landed and split into groups. One group headed off to climb the mountain on the left of the bay for great views and to burn off some of the kilos gained devouring the delicious ship board meals.


The others headed inland and enjoyed watching a Brown Bear which awoke from a deep sleep and ambled away as the humans approached. After some time spent investigating ice caves and the great variety of plants in the area they returned to the ship and we headed south down the coastline of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

15 Jun 2013

After a memorable morning ashore exploring the tundra, we cruised the icy coastline in mirror calm conditions, admiring more Ribbon Seals on the ice …READ MORE
13 Jun 2013

Hotel Manager Meghan's voice roused the group at 0430hrs encouraging them to prepare for something amazing. All were aboard the Zodiacs and heading f…READ MORE
11 Jun 2013

Feodota Bay Dropped anchor around 6am and a sent out a scout boat to see what wildlife was around before landing our passengers. There were three Bro…READ MORE
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