11 Feb 2016

2 Feb Voyage: Shokalskiy Iceberg

The morning began with great excitement when an iceberg was sighted close to starboard. Sunshine streaming from a bright blue sky accentuated the blues and greens of the tightly packed ice and made for some great photos. It was a spectacular way to start the day.

Lectures today began with a presentation from Agnes Breniere, a self taught naturalist who is devoted to conservation and enabling others to discover nature. She gave a fascinating lecture about the albatross which focused on its strong mythical links to the sea. The ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is perhaps the best known example of how these birds are often referred to as the souls of lost sailors. There are 24 different species, three quarters of which are edging toward extinction, with four species being critically endangered. Mice, long line fishing and plastic are the three main culprits for depleting numbers.

Marcus Thomassen from Norway’s Fram Museum gave an account of Amundsen’s epic journey to the South Pole and shared anecdotal accounts from the diaries kept by Amundsen and his fellow explorers which are held by the museum. He showed original drawings of sledge, tent and hut designs and of course the classic photo of the group proudly planting their national flag at the pole.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the time we reach the Antarctic circle, with some planning to stay awake for this milestone, estimated to be at 0130hrs tomorrow.

10 Feb 2016

Smooth sailing conditions today meant expeditioners could enjoy a number of presentations and a film screening to help pass the time at sea.Lecturer …READ MORE
09 Feb 2016

Expeditioners were woken for breakfast with the announcement that we are making good headway to Cape Adare and should cover the remaining 1,050km by …READ MORE
09 Feb 2016

Every journey eventually comes to an end and for this group tomorrow is that day. Although we are about to go our separate ways, the memories and ins…READ MORE
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